
Imrpoving Digestion and Maintaining Health

 SPARK VASI YOGA ALCHEMY 🔱 🧘‍♀️  Improving digestion & maintaining health In the west the majority of people suffer from everyday digestion problems such as gas, bloating,  stomach pain, constipation, heartburn, and fatigue after eating. Ayurveda provides simple solutions to  these common complaints by considering not only what we eat but how we consume our meals. To ensure food is properly digested, assimilated and metabolised by the body it is important to follow  these guidelines: • Eat at the times when the body has the necessary enzymes available to cope with the digestion of food.  The peak time for enzymatic production is mid-day and this is the time to eat the largest meal of the day. By ensuring that the heaviest foods and largest quantities are eaten at this time, the bodily tissues are able to fully utilise the nutritional value of foods consumed. This helps reduce the amount of food required by the body and reduces food cravings between meals. It also goes a long way

Six Tastes for Balanced Diet

 SPARK VASI YOGA ALCHEMY 🔱 🧘‍♀️  A balanced diet & the six tastes SWEET Sugar, milk, butter, ghee, sweet fruit, bread, pasta, grains SOUR Yoghurt, lemon, vinegar, wine, soy sauce, grapefruit, aged cheese SALT Salt (also in vegetables; especially celery and seaweeds) PUNGENT Hot, spicy foods such as pepper, ginger, garlic, cayenne, chilli BITTER Leafy greens, olives, turmeric, horseradish, turmeric, fenugreek, nettle, lettuce, aloe ASTRINGENT Beans, lentils, dhal, honey, rhubarb, apples, leafy greens, pomegranate, sprouts The tongue has taste buds which register all the above six tastes. If the body receives all these tastes in each  meal it feels satisfied and will not overeat or feel hungry again soon after eating. However, there are far more  taste buds that register the sweet as opposed to astringent or sour taste. This is because we do not require equal  amounts of each taste. There are more ‘sweet’ taste buds because this is the taste we require the most of; sweet  tasting f

Weight Reducing Diets and Recommendations

 SPARK VASI YOGA ALCHEMY 🔱 🧘‍♀️  Recommendations for losing weight • Follow a ‘Kapha reducing’ diet. • Arise around dawn (5-6am) as this increases energy levels and helps reduce ama or toxins. • Drink a cup of hot water with a slice of lemon on rising in the morning to cleanse the digestive tract of  metabolic waste products. • Massage your head vigorously with coconut oil each morning to sharpen the senses and nourish and  strengthen your hair. • Skin-brush your body each morning to improve blood circulation and help eliminate toxins. • Massage under your rib cage with a little sesame oil to help improve digestion. • Practice ‘Belly Breath’ . • Practice fast pranayama ‘huh-huh-huh’ and chi-uh-ha’ sounds (see section on ‘healing sounds’) to  increase energy levels, balance the mind, tone the belly and improve digestion. • Exercise (jog, swim or cycle) and practice some yoga each morning and evening. • Practice meditation (20 mins am and pm) to improve mental clarity and increase ener

Maya Illusion of the self

 SPARK VASI YOGA ALCHEMY 🔱 🧘‍♀️  MAYA - THE ILLUSION OF SELF  Perceivable perceived by the perceiver … Perceiver perceived by whom?..  Perceiver validates what is perceived .. But who is validating the perceiver itself ? Who is the perceiver at the first place?  Do not say it is the body gross or subtle.. For the body also is perceivable perceived..! Who is the final perceiver again? It is never found..!  Then why is this separation between the perceiver and perceived appears to be existing in spite of non-existing perceiver? Yes it only appears to be existing , This is why it is called Maya- the illusion.. ( of self/atman/Brahman). Awareness/consciousness/ self/ atman/Brahman whatever name you call it , alone exists. The distinct " I " the perceiver has no real existence. Thus the entire perceivable world being seen as separate from a perceiver has no real independent existence. It is like dream ..once you wakeup from the illusion of the self, world disappears, self a

Diets for vata pitta and kapha

 SPARK VASI YOGA ALCHEMY 🔱 🧘‍♀️  Vata Dosha Vata governs all movement in the mind and body. It controls the flow of blood, the elimination of waste  products, the act of breathing and the movement of thoughts in the mind. It is considered the leader of the  three doshas (energies or energetic principles in the body) as Pitta and Kapha cannot move or exist  without it. It is therefore imperative that Vata is brought back into balance whenever it is disturbed. You need to balance the movement of Vata if many of the following conditions are present: • Your skin or hair is dry, rough and thin. • You feel cold easily or have poor circulation with cold hands and feet. • You are chronically underweight and find it difficult to gain weight. • Your mind is constantly anxious, restless and agitated and you are prone to worry and fear. • You experience constipation or have frequent flatulence. • You suffer from insomnia or have unsettled sleep and disturbing dreams. • You suffer from vaginal dr

Miraculous Message from Water

 SPARK VASI YOGA ALCHEMY 🔱 🧘‍♀️  Miraculous Messages from Water How water reflects our consciousness Water has a very important message for us. Water is telling us to take a much deeper look at our selves. When we do look at our selves through the mirror of water, the message becomes amazingly, crystal, clear. We know that human life is directly connected to the quality of our water, both within and all around us. The photographs and information in this article reflect the work of Masaru Emoto, a creative and visionary Japanese researcher Mr. Emoto has published an important book, "The Message from Water from the findings of his worldwide research If you have any doubt that your thoughts affect everything in, and around you, the information and photographs that are presented here, taken from the book of his published results, will change your mind and alter your beliefs, profoundly. From Mr. Emoto's work we are provided with factual evidence, that human vibrational energy, t

Water Charging

 SPARK VASI YOGA ALCHEMY 🔱 🧘‍♀️  LIGHTCODE ACTIVATION: WATER CLEARING AND BLESSING . Water is life. Our bodies are 70% water. Even our bones contain 31% water. Two of the common symptoms of dehydration is fatigue and depression, so drinking 2 glasses of water could remedy that. . This Lightcode Activation was channeled through towards the end of 2020 to bless and activate the water you drink. I have done some experiments with it over the course of the year and found that if I have two glasses of water and place one glass on the Lightcode, it automatically also activates the other glass. 😍😍😍 . PS. It also works with fruit and vegetables 😉 . To use this activation simply put a glass of water on it for a few seconds and drink the water. You could also use it to meditate on (as your body consists of so much water). Close your eyes, become still, centre. When you are ready, gently open your eyes and allow your eyes to rest on the image. Slowly scan over the writing. Don’t try to analy